Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cancer Sucks Pt. 4

Ok guys, I keep telling you I'll give you an update.
Mom is a stage 2B. All of the stages are 0, 1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, and 4.
I guess she kinda does have cancer in the lymph nodes, but its really small. I'm gonna kill the spelling, but its called micro metastasis.
She will have to have chemo, its true.
All four of the drains are gone! Yes!
I think thats all I have.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cancer Sucks Pt.3

So, mom is home after her double mastectomy.
The recovery is going well. She has 4 drains draining off the excess fluid. She's super awesome about all of this.
Seeing all the nurses and hearing her talk about the good ones and the bad ones makes me consider nursing as a career. So now I have two or three serious career options, but I also have my fantasy career...
Thanks to everyone or their gifts and prayers. They're all so important!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A (Stolen) Thought For Today

So I was browsing Bill Allison's blog, and saw a interesting sentence.
"Jesus wasn't a 'leader'."
I continued reading.
"He wasn't a CEO.

He violated the "laws of leadership."

He actually resisted opportunities to increase his influence—even when the crowd demanded more of him. (How strange is that in this day and age?)

No, Jesus was none of the mental images that are so prevalent in our current North American thinking about leadership.

I contend that Jesus was, first and foremost, a follower.

Yeah, you'll probably have to read that previous sentence again.

I know that being a follower these days doesn't sound as near as sexy as being a leader, but Jesus didn't seem to mind being a follower. Explaining to his disciples that he was a follower—and who he was following, he said, "...I love the Father and... I do exactly what my Father has commanded me" (John 14:31). Make no mistake about it. Jesus was a resolute follower of God the Father—and the Father's agenda for his life... to the point of death.

The irony here is that because Jesus was a dedicated follower of the Father and every little part of Father's agenda for his life, the right people recognized him as someone worth following. Hence, Jesus trained a cadre of not-so-promising folks to follow him as he followed God's agenda. These followers of Jesus personally surrendered themselves to Jesus and God's agenda for their lives... and then gave themselves to the wild, out of control movement of helping other people follow God's agenda—training them to help others become followers of God's agenda... who would then go on to help others to become followers of God's agenda, ad infinitum.

Of course, Jesus, by training others to follow God's agenda for their lives, ultimately started a revolution. But it wasn't a "leadership" revolution as much as it was a followership revolution. The emphasis of Jesus' followership revolution is on following God's agenda... not "leading" it (at least not in the current way many today understand the concept of leadership).

Jesus wants us to scrap OUR visions, plans, and agendas... and do something absolutely revolutionary: Follow him and the Father's agenda—and then train others to follow him and the Father's agenda... so they can train others, ad infinitum.

o beware of the emotional inebriation that comes from engaging in leadership bravado. While you are conjecturing on casting vision, strategic planning, and developing leaders, you could forget that you're supposed to be following a follower—and that you are called to make followers... who can make more followers (see 2 Timothy 2:2; 1 Corinthians 11:1). While you are drinking deep from the current fountain of leadership, me-carcinogens can slip in undetected. Somewhere down the road, you could end up trying to lead your own agenda in God's name rather than following God's agenda.

To really "lead" like Jesus, you must first dare to follow like Jesus.

If you think about it, following takes a lot more guts than "leading" because you're not in control of the agenda—you're accepting God's agenda as you own.

Here's the important and compelling question that only you can REALLY answer: Do you have the guts to follow like Jesus?"

I had never heard any sort of thing that portrayed Jesus as a follower, and personally, I like Him this way. Jesus was all about serving and ministering, but until today, I thought He was quite a great leader. It's a beautiful thought in my opinion.

Make me a true follower of you, in the way I now see Your Son to be.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Knitting Update!

I got out my Edward Scissorhands hoodie, and I'm workin on it...about half way done?
I started working on the Skull scarf, but my cats did their buissness on the yarn, so I have to try to wash a WIP...oh, boy.
My Leg warmers are done! So warm! I love how they look like sleeves of that attrocious granny sweater you ot for Christmas!
Lucas's scarf is done, but I have yet to give it to him.
I started these awesome fingerless glove things. If you knit them right, they look like fish scales!
And, one day, I will make Trogdor for Evan.

Fyi, don't make knitting needles out of hangers unless you plan on spending some serious time making the tips look good,

Cancer Sucks Pt. 2

Hey everyone! I forgot to tell you this sooner! Mom's surgery is January 16th. We'll probably be at OSF at, like, 6:30 that morning. She's having a double mastectomy and reconstruction, so it will take some time, and we will be there for several hours, eh?
I'm honestly not too worried about it. I really don't have a lot of thoughts on the subject, so yeah...
So if anyone wants to party in the waiting room, I mean, just kidding.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cancer Sucks Pt. 1

So Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer Dec 6th. It's almost a month later. She just found out yesterday, her surgery is going to be the 16th. Thats for sure the date of the double mastectomy, but I don't know about the hysterectomy's, offerectomy, or reconstruction.
Yeah, it is kind of nerve wracking, knowing your aunt had it and now your mom does. I hope I have life insurance that covers mammograms and MRIs and stuff.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The New Year

So as part of my New Year resolution-esque goals, I'm going to try to post more on my blog spot. Blame Emily for the inspiration.

I found this today.